[Edu-sig] Analyzing algorithms...

Dr. David J. Ritchie, Sr. djrassoc01@mindspring.com
Mon, 25 Feb 2002 17:10:49 -0600

In regard to what Kirby Urner wrote:

> At 06:21 PM 2/25/2002 +0100, Gregor Lingl wrote:
> >In my opinion it is not feasible to
> >measure or even estimate the runtime-
> >behaviour of those algorithms from the demos.
> Yeah, that sounds reasonable.  The point of the
> animations is to give some idea of how they work,
> not which is ultimately fastest.  A caveat to
> share with students if using them in a classroom
> setting.

Yes. I used it as part of our 50 minute computer club today
for seven students in sixth-eighth grades and it
provided a good example of different sorting techniques.

Thank you very much to those who authored and
contributed it.


Dr. David J. Ritchie, Sr.