[Edu-sig] Python for AI

John Harvey johnharvey@earthlink.net
Sun, 25 Aug 2002 08:24:40 -0700

Hi All,

At 08:04 PM 8/25/2002 +0530, Nagarjuna G. wrote:

>I feel that Python can be used for teaching regular AI topics. I would
>like to attempt teaching without using traditional LISP/Prolog.
>Nothing against them, but only to develop material for a Python based
>course.  I would like to know if any of you already know material that
>would help me in shaping this course or develop examples.  Any help
>will be appreciated.

I am looking forward to the publication of the 2nd edition of Artificial 
Intelligence, A Modern Approach, later this year. At the book's website[1] 
are listed links to examples in Lisp, PYTHON, C++, Prolog, and Java. The 
Lisp and PYTHON examples are being provided by the authors, Stuart Russell, 
Professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley, and Peter Norvig, Director of 
Search Quality, Google Inc.

Enjoy, John

[1] http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~russell/aima.html