[Edu-sig] GracePlot

Adrian Feiguin feiguin@magnet.fsu.edu
Mon, 1 Oct 2001 13:58:14 -0400 (EDT)

You might find interesting SciGraphica
(http://scigraphica.sourceforge.net). The Python interface is still under
development, but eventually will allow to create interactive 2D/3D/Polar
In any case, nice job ;-)


On Sun, 30 Sep 2001, Jason Cunliffe wrote:

> http://www.idyll.org/~n8gray/code/index.html
> <quote>
> Announcement
> This module provides interactive 2-D plotting capabilities via the Grace
> package. Why do we need yet another plotting package for Python? Simple.
> None of the packages out there (that I've tried) currently offer all of the
> following desirable properties:
> Designed for use at the interactive prompt
> Provide UI access to plot properties and allow changes on-the-fly
> Tight integration with Numeric Python
> A typical gracePlot session goes something like this:
> >>> from gracePlot import gracePlot
> >>> p = gracePlot() # A grace session opens
> >>> p.plot( [1,2,3,4,5], [10, 4, 2, 4, 10], [1, 0.7, 0.5, 1, 2],
> ...         symbols=1 )  # A plot with errorbars & symbols
> >>> p.title('Funding: Ministry of Silly Walks')
> >>> p.ylabel('Funding (Pounds\S10\N)')
> >>> p.multi(2,1)  # Multiple plots: 2 rows, 1 column
> >>> p.xlimit(0, 6)  # Set limits of x-axis
> >>> p.focus(1,0)  # Set current graph to row 1, column 0
> >>> p.histoPlot( [7, 15, 18, 20, 21], x_min=1,
> ...              dy=[2, 3.5, 4.6, 7.2, 8.8]) # A histogram w/errorbars
> >>> p.xlabel('Silliness Index')
> >>> p.ylabel('Applications/yr')
> >>> p.xlimit(0, 6)  # Set limits of x-axis
> </quote>
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