[Edu-sig] And now for something completely different...

Kirby Urner pdx4d@teleport.com
Thu, 19 Apr 2001 14:14:16 -0700

At 02:41 PM 4/19/2001 -0500, Arthur_Siegel@rsmi.com wrote:

>>>Searching on Google for 'lg3d' I come across some nice sites:
>Surprised Kirby didn't mention it - maybe did not consider it
>relevant to this list.  But Jason you might be interested that the

I'd forgotten all about this page.  I've since linked to it.
Fun to have edu-sig reconnect me to stuff I'd lost track of
in another context.  Very true that I know John Braley, the
author of the above (not to be confused with John Brawley, 
a subscriber to many of the same lists, and whom I've not
met in person as of this posting).

>Unfortunately for me, the list that follows Fluidiom developments
>tends to communicate in Buck Fullerisms - so I don't keep up very well.

I have trouble keeping up too -- Fluidiom has evolved its 
own little idiom that takes awhile to tune in (easiest if 
you're actually using the applet/application).
