[Python Edinburgh] AMA session : Cyber Security Professionals

Tai Kedzierski dch.tai at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 07:58:33 EDT 2022

 Hello Edinburgh Pythonistas!

Just to send through that we're doing an Ask Me Anything event around a
specific topic

This month we've chosen "Cyber Security" and have three panelists confirmed
for the session, to answer any questions attendees would like to ask -
about the practice, the industry, tech stacks, the job - anything.

There will be pizzas, beers, and soft drinks provided by our sponsor,
Continuum Industries

The event is free to attend and open to all.

We look forward to seeing you there !

Tuesday 11th October 2022 @ CodeClan ; session starting at 6.30pm


18:00 - Doors
18:20 - Opening announcements and housekeeping
18:30 - AMA session
19:30 - Socialising and connecting
20:00 - Off to the pub - most likely the Blue Blazer around the corner 😉

Panelist bios in event details:



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