[Python Edinburgh] Request For Volunteers

Laurence Billingham laurence.billingham at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 07:47:23 EST 2016

Hello Mark,

I'd like to help with either the talk organizing or the dojo hosting.
Not from any under-represented group though so happy let any more diverse
people have the role.


On 25 January 2016 at 10:14, Mark Smith <mark.smith at practicalpoetry.co.uk>

> I'd like to reduce the bus-factor of Python Edinburgh. To that end,
> I'm looking for some volunteers to help me run the group. Despite my
> ability to make it look complicated, the amount of work is not
> actually that high. That said, I think with a little bit more time
> dedicated to it, we could really help this group flourish.
> I'm looking for volunteers for the following roles:
> Talk Organiser: Speakers need to be found and cajoled into writing and
> giving talks. In the short term, this isn't a problem - people come to
> me and *ask* to give talks!
> Website Maintainer: The website (www.pythonedinburgh.org) is a Django
> app, hosted on Heroku. It needs some love - especially on the HTML/CSS
> side of things (it's a reasonably plain Bootstrap front-end at the
> moment). Potentially, it could also be expanded to include a blog or
> whatever direction the group wishes to take it in.
> Dojo Host(s): I'd like more people to take on the role of dojo host,
> so that I'm not a bottleneck for running dojos. James did a great job
> of this a few months ago, but I'd like some more people who feel
> comfortable taking on this role.
> Outreach Coordinator: We should run more events with the aim of
> introducing new people to Python and encouraging diversity within the
> group. PyLadies has been one of the best things that's ever happened
> to us regarding encouraging women to attend Python Edinburgh events.
> I'd like to associate us with educational institutions,
> under-represented communities and charities.
> If you'd be interested in one or more of these roles, please email me
> (directly, don't hit reply!) listing which roles you're interested in.
> I would particularly like to encourage women to apply because we
> should have significant representation in these roles.
> Here's to a better organised 2016!
> Mark
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