[Python Edinburgh] Python scene in Edinburgh

Nicole Harris n.harris at kabucreative.com
Wed Jul 22 15:43:24 CEST 2015

Hi All,

I hope those who are at EuroPython are enjoying themselves!!

My name is Nicole - I'm a Python (mainly Django) developer and web
designer.  I met my husband (who is also a Python dev) in Edinburgh, and
after six years in Australia (I am Australian) we're thinking about
returning to live and work there :)

I just wanted to get a bit of a feel on what the local scene is for
developers?  We were running our own business in Australia (kabucreative.com)
and are happy to continue to do so - so that means we're open to all kinds
of work - including consulting/freelance.

Are there any employers/contacts of note that we should be speaking to?
We're hoping to come up to visit soon (we're currently in London) if anyone
would like to meet up face-to-face.

For you reference I am at whoisnicoleharris.com and my husband at

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