[Python Edinburgh] Python Workshop/Support group Edinburgh

Bald, Glenn Glenn.Bald at forestry.gsi.gov.uk
Mon Jan 12 11:42:32 CET 2015

Hi Douglas,
I am planning to come. Can I have a guest pass?
What should we bring? What should we preinstall?  
Glenn Bald


From: Edinburgh
[mailto:edinburgh-bounces+glenn.bald=forestry.gsi.gov.uk at python.org] On
Behalf Of Douglas Houston
Sent: 12 January 2015 09:46
To: Python Edinburgh
Subject: Re: [Python Edinburgh] Python Workshop/Support group Edinburgh

NB You will need a username and password to connect to the wifi - if you
want this give me your name and I will set you up with a guest account. 

On 12 January 2015 at 08:15, Douglas Houston
<douglasrhouston at googlemail.com> wrote:

	Just a reminder that we are on for tonight, 1900 at Appleton
	Here's the entrance:
	Remember to bring any Python reference material you may have.
And a problem to work on!
	As this is the first session, and the first time I've taught in
Appleton Tower, please bear with me if we encounter any difficulties -
like not being able to get into the building for example!
	My mobile number is 07986875743 if you have any last minute

	On 16 December 2014 at 09:53, Douglas Houston
<douglasrhouston at googlemail.com> wrote:

		OK, it looks like after all that Monday nights are the
favourite after all.
		See you at Appleton Tower at 1900 on the 12th!

		On 13 December 2014 at 15:23, Douglas Houston
<douglasrhouston at googlemail.com> wrote: 

			Also think about a problem you'd like to solve
using Python, Joseph.
			For those of you who have tablets, smartphones,
kindles etc, I've found a couple of eBooks that could be useful for
reference during the workshops:
			Feel free to bring along any "how to
program"-type books you might have too, or anything else you think might
end up useful. 

			On 13 December 2014 at 15:00, Douglas Houston
<douglasrhouston at googlemail.com> wrote: 

				All are welcome Joseph - just enter your
scheduling preferences in the Doodle poll:

				On 13 December 2014 at 10:45, Joseph Fox
<joseph at fanduel.com> wrote: 

				There are so much happening here. I
would like to come as a learner.

				On 12 December 2014 at 14:10, Mark Smith
<mark.smith at practicalpoetry.co.uk> wrote: 

				Sorry for not replying sooner - the next
Python Edinburgh pub night is on 27th January. We don't have a December
meetup because it tends to conflict with Christmas, and we wouldn't want
Christmas to suffer ;-)

				On 3 December 2014 at 19:47, Douglas
Houston <douglasrhouston at googlemail.com> wrote: 

				12th Jan onwards is fine for me -
although we could do one meet-and-greet session before then which
shouldn't require a "proper" venue? We could just meet in a pub or
something - when is the next Python Edinburgh pub night? How about
combining the introductions night with that?
				I need to check what days the computer
lab I have in mind is free so if other venue operators could chip in
first with concrete dates that would be great. As mentioned, evenings
and weekends seem best for most. 

				On 3 December 2014 at 14:16, Anna
Donohoe <anna.donohoe13 at gmail.com> wrote:

				Hello all,
				I'm jumping in on this a bit late, but I
wanted to field an idea about 2015 start dates. 
				I attended Becky's Django workshop
(which was fabulous!), and I like the sound of the ideas being discussed
here. I am new to Python, so I would be participating as a student. I
would be happy to help with logistics or other organisational things
				Possible dates:
				Any time after January 12th. 
				(The spring term at Edinburgh Uni starts
on the 12th. I will be traveling until the weekend of the 10th, and my
guess is that many other students will also be away until then.) 

				On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 11:32 AM, James
Doig <jamesdoig at gmail.com> wrote:

				I've just been given the thumbs up re:
using Hogarth's Waverley Gate office (same place the last Dojo was at)
if we want to as well.... It's nice and central and above the train
station :)

				On 3 December 2014 at 10:54, Sean
Hammond <snhmnd at gmail.com> wrote:

				I'm also interested in coming along as a
mentor. I used to teach Java
				programming at the uni, and have been
working as a Python web dev for
				the last few years. Just moved back to
Edinburgh and looking for things
				to get involved in.
				I won't bring a laptop - I can't use
them because of RSI. But that I
				don't think that'll matter for
				I'll keep an eye on this list
				Edinburgh mailing list
				Edinburgh at python.org

				Edinburgh mailing list
				Edinburgh at python.org

				Edinburgh mailing list
				Edinburgh at python.org

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