[Python Edinburgh] Django Girls Edinburgh - coaches needed

Becky Smith rebkwok at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 08:41:28 CEST 2014


I am organising a beginner's programming workshop aimed at women, Django
Girls Edinburgh, which will take place on 29th Nov at CodeBase.  We've had
a fantastic response - over 80 applicants so far for 36 places!

I'm looking for a couple more coaches (female or male). You need to be
familiar with django, but you don't need to be a django expert to be a
coach. Participants in the workshop will work in groups of 3 with one coach
per group. Coaches will support their groups as they work through the
Django Girls tutorial to build a blog application from scratch.

If you're interested, please fill in the form on the website -

Becky Smith

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