[Python Edinburgh] Python Edinburgh Pub Meetup - Tomorrow

Mark Smith mark.smith at practicalpoetry.co.uk
Mon Nov 24 11:38:59 CET 2014

Hi All,

Our monthly pub meetup will be tomorrow (Tuesday) at the Potting Shed (on
Potterrow) at 6:30pm.

It's a chance to talk about Python and technology in general in a friendly,
informal environment, and *all* skill levels are welcome. It's a great
place to get help on a project you're working on or find out what other
people are doing! There will be printouts of the Python logo on the tables
for new people to help identify us.

This will be our last meetup of the year, as the fourth Tuesday in December
tends to be a bit busy ;-) Last month was possibly the best turnout we've
ever had, so it'll be interesting to see what happens this month.

Hope to see you there!

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