[Python Edinburgh] How to do dynamic nesting of loops

Douglas Houston douglasrhouston at googlemail.com
Tue Nov 18 13:08:03 CET 2014

Hi all,

I'm a bit stuck with this so maybe someone can help me.

I'm writing a little program that needs to iterate through several nested
'for' loops. However, the number of loops (and therefore the depth of the
nesting) cannot be predetermined.

I've read that lots of nested loops are bad form anyway, and that "you
should do it with functions instead".

However I still can't work out how to set the number dynamically.

for ((l=0; l<10; l++)); do
​ ​
 for ((m=0; m<10; m++))

​ ​
for (n=0; n<10; n++)); do

​ ​
​ that uses l, m and n​


So this is what it needs to look like if nest_depth=3

But how do I write a program that iterates something
​ for nest_depth=4 (which in this case would use l, m, n and o)​, or any
other number (which can't be predicted)?


PS I didn't write this in Python just for speed, but feel free to reply in
Python if you want - the practice would be good for me.
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