[Python Edinburgh] New website happenings

Stephen Hawkes steve at hawkz.com
Tue Mar 27 14:48:43 CEST 2012

Hi there,

I'm from Python West Midlands, just wanted to say hello.

We're building a new site at the moment, and it occurred to me that once built it could be something we open-source, then other groups could benefit.

Three questions then, if you would be so kind:
- What do you need from a user group site? Anything you 'really' use beyond next events, blog of happenings, and links to mailing lists/groups?
- What would be the mascot for your group?
- Would you be interested if there was a Django site you could install that did everything you needed, with a custom mascot designed?

Can't wait to hear your feedback.


Steve Hawkes

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