[Python Edinburgh] web based IRC

Kevin kevin at glazenburg.com
Tue Dec 20 00:17:37 CET 2011


I noticed your post about lightirc, I'm help people out at the support
channel for lightirc.
As stated on the website:
When you can't connect to a server and the client shows a security sandbox
violation message, the server the IRCd is running on does not allow
connections from a Flash client.
Due to the socket security policy Adobe introduced with Flash Player
9,0,124 you are forced to have a daemon that delivers a crossdomain.xml to
allow establishing a connection.
It is not a restriction of lightIRC, but one of Adobe Flash!*

This means you can't even *open* a connection to the irc server if it
doesn't have a flash policy deamon. This means you can't be sure it's not
blocked by your company firewall, unless you test it on a server that runs
a flash policy deamon. If you're looking for a irc client that isn't
blocked by your company firewall, I advise using Mibbit (www.mibbit.com),
using irssi trough a ssh server or portforwarding trough a ssh server. You
could also look into Lightirc Proxy (

If you need any other information, I'd be happy to help. :)

Kind regards,
Kevin Glazenburg

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