[Python Edinburgh] Hack Day on Saturday & Pub Meetup on Tuesday

Mark Smith mark.smith at practicalpoetry.co.uk
Wed Oct 20 10:31:31 CEST 2010

Hi All,

I just wanted to remind everyone that we have the Hack Day[1] coming up on
Saturday - thanks to Dougal for arranging this whole thing and for getting
the Wiki up and running on the web-site. I've been a total flake and have
been no help at all. Very much looking forward to meeting up with you guys
and coding with some of you. If anyone for some reason can't make the
session in the afternoon but would like to meet up for some beers with us
later, send me an email and we'll work out a way to let you know where we
end up.

Don't forget we also have a scheduled Pub Meetup on Tuesday (I'm afraid it's
masked on the website because it only shows the next upcoming event, and
that's the Hack Day) - same as previous arrangements - 6:30pm, Bert's
Bar[2], moving across to Teuchters when we've eaten - it's worked well the
last two times we tried it, and I have no reason to think it won't work well
again :-)

I look forward to seeing you at one or both of these events!


1: http://www.pythonedinburgh.org/wiki/HackDay-oct10
2: http://www.bertsbar.co.uk/berts-bar/home/berts-bar-edinburgh.html
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