[docs] Doc - 1.4. The Module’s Method Table and Initialization Function

Johannes Müller jcmueller at arcor.de
Tue Sep 4 10:17:12 EDT 2018


It seems like there is a small bug (or a missing detail) in the example 
code of the main function in Chapter "1.4. The Module’s Method Table and 
Initialization Function 

In the example, the return value of PyImport_ImportModule is discarded. 
In my experience, this may cause a crash in Py_Finalize() if the return 
value is discarded and Py_DECREF is omitted.

Is my assumption correct that the example should actually be extended as 

>     ...
>     /* Optionally import the module; alternatively,
>        import can be deferred until the embedded script
>        imports it. */
> PyObject *pModule = PyImport_ImportModule("spam");
>     ...
>     Py_DECREF(pModule);
>     if (Py_FinalizeEx() < 0) {
>         exit(120);
>     }
>     PyMem_RawFree(program);
>     return 0;

Note that I assume that the developer is supposed to keep a reference of 
the module object, such that the garbage collection cannot free the 
module, while the program is using the interpreter. Is this necessary? 
Or can I be 100% sure that the imported module will exist and do it's 
job until I call Py_FinalizeEx(), even if I don't keep a reference of 
the module, i.e., if I decref pModule directly after importing it?


PS: In my case, the module is a Python output redirector, that's not 
explicitly used in the executed Python scripts and snippets. It is just 
supposed to redirect the output of the entire Python interpreter until I 
call Py_Finalize.
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