[docs] About PySCALAPACK

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Thu Mar 31 07:01:33 EDT 2016

On 27/03/2016 21:54, Xiaohong Zheng wrote:
> Hi,
> Very nice to know PySCALAPACK in PyACTS.
> It seems that the documentation and installation guide of pyACTS are
> both in Spanish. I do not understand a single word. Could you tell me
> whether you have an English version of them or not. I need to use
> PySCALAPACK for doing some matrix operations in Python. Thank you very much.

Xiaohong Zheng,

I'm afraid that neither of those packages are managed by the core Python
documentation team; you'll have to find a support forum which has people
who know those packages. I imagine something around the SciPy community
would include such people.


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