[docs] Small suggestion

Payne at mail.python.org Payne at mail.python.org
Sun Jun 7 22:53:07 CEST 2015

 1:43 pm Sun 7 Jun 2015

As I read the excellent Pythons documentation, I occasionally come across rhetorical constructions that might be improved.  Here's one prom ython-2.7.10-docs-html/reference/simple_stmts.html#the-exec-statement

    The first expression should evaluate to either a
    Unicode string, a Latin-1 encoded string, an open file
    object, a code object, or a tuple.

"Either" introduces *two* items, as in "either True or False ."  In the sentence above it's used to introduce four items.  It would be better to omit the "either" and say

    The first expression should evaluate to a Unicode
    string, a Latin-1 encoded string, an open file object,
    a code object, or a tuple.

If the organization is interested in receiving further rhetorical suggestions, I will send them along.

Payne Freret

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