[docs] Notation in 2.7 Library, Sec 5.6 Sequence Types

Zachary Ware zachary.ware+pydocs at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 18:00:45 CET 2014

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Bruce Esrig <esrig-ia at esrig.com> wrote:
> In the table explaining sequence types, the following two rows appear at the end.
> s.index(i) index of the first occurrence of i in s
> s.count(i) total number of occurrences of i in s
> Conventionally, i is an index. An x is used to indicate an element.
> I would suggest
> s.index(x) index of the first occurrence of x in s
> s.count(x) total number of occurrences of x in s

Thanks for the suggestion!  This has been fixed in babb9479b79f and
will be live soon.


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