[docs] Section 5.2.1 of the Documentation for v 2.7.3

Bruce McGoveran bruce.mcgoveran at gmail.com
Sat Apr 13 01:02:03 CEST 2013

Hi.  First, thank you for your collective efforts in maintaining Python's
documentation.  The documentation has been very helpful to me in
understanding better how the language works.

Please have a look at the paragraph beginning with *Private name
mangling*in section 5.2.1.  The paragraph details an example of how
private names
are transformed.  Based on the way the text explains the workings of the
transformation, I think the example should produce the string _Hamspam, not
_Ham__spam.  I say this because of the comment in line two (2) of the
paragraph that leading underscores (of the name) are removed during the

For your consideration.

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