[docs] (take 2) Python 3.1.2 xml.sax doc error, or bug, or error by the operator...

Ryan, Thomas thomas.ryan at hp.com
Wed Nov 24 08:47:06 CET 2010

Fixed  typos...(sorry -, accidentally sent a draft, back now)


Thanks in advance for your help.


The description

	xml.sax.parseString(string, handler[, error_handler])
	  Similar to parse(), but parses from a buffer string received as a parameter.

seems incorrect, or misleading. Is the term "buffer"  significant? Only "string" is italicized.
Do I need a PyBuff from C/C++ (of some sort)?

I am not a Python expert, but here is my snippet that fails.
I did Google around for help but the examples I found were all python 2.x.
Those  refer to set "self" content handlers, but I could not get those to work with a string/bytes either.
It seems that in Python 3 someone moved the internal variable access to a parameterized input.
Ok with me, to further hide internal values, but something  seems broken.

BTW - Sees to work fine with files & streams.

Code - 

import xml.sax

class myHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler) :

m = myHandler()

## both of the next two cals throw the same exception (consistency is not surprising, but was worth checking, I guess)
## I assume the handler parameter is OK

xml.sax.parseString("hello", m)
##xml.sax.parseString(b"<abc><\abc>".decode("utf8"),  m)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File " xmlsad.py", line 10, in <module>
    xml.sax.parseString("hello", m)
  File "C:\Python31\lib\xml\sax\__init__.py", line 45, in parseString
TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface

Any ideas regarding to expand the documentation re the buffer interface (Pybuff?), or to adjust the xml.sax.parseString() code?

Tom Ryan

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