[docs] Python 2.7 & IDLE on Mac

Stackpole John D jstackpo at alum.mit.edu
Mon Nov 22 02:30:23 CET 2010

Running Mac OS x 10.6.5 Brand new dual core iMac:
 Model Name:	iMac
  Model Identifier:	iMac11,2
  Processor Name:	Intel Core i3
  Processor Speed:	3.06 GHz
  Number Of Processors:	1
  Total Number Of Cores:	2

Just D/Led Python ver. 2.7:  
Python 2.7 (r27:82508, Jul  3 2010, 21:12:11) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5493)] on darwin

(system came with 2.6 PYTHON which ran fine: IDLE started, opened a window but locked up when used)

Python 2.7 runs fine; when I try to start IDLE I get this message:

** IDLE can't import Tkinter.  Your Python may not be configured for Tk. **

What do I do to "configure Python" to go get Tk?

If this is an Apple/Mac problem, just let me know and I'll ask them. 


John D Stackpole, CPP, PRP
OEO, Parliamentary Services
11 Battersea Lane
Fort Washington, MD 20744-7203

jstackpo at alum.mit.edu
Land Line: 301.292.9479
Cell: 301.221.9462

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