[Doc-SIG] Python docs translation to Lithuanian language

Julien Palard julien at palard.fr
Sun Jul 7 11:12:32 EDT 2019

Hi Albertas Gimbutas!

> I want to set up a team of translators to translate Python
> documentation to Lithuanian language.

That's a very good news! Welcome on board!

> I am a little bit confused about the first steps I have to do as a team coordinator.

That's huge, and if you read PEP 545 I'm not sure it make it easier.

There's https://devguide.python.org/documenting/#translating that is a bit more readable.

But in a nutshell: as a coordinator, you have to find and gather translators around the project. In France here we're organizing meetups to translate, it help spreading the word and finding new people, since we're doing workshops translations goes really faster: We started with events around mid 2018, but we are doing them regularily every month since jan 2019: https://julienpalard.frama.io/write-the-docs-paris-19/#/2/5
See between 2015 and 2016 this almost flat but not flat line? That's me translating alone. (ignore huge bumps in 2016, that's me dropping sections I won't translate, so it "artificially" bumps the progression).

> I think Trasifex would be enough for Lithuanian team for the beginning.

As PEP 545 say and devguide say: you're free to choose (and to change as needed).

> However I am still not added to Lithuanian translation team.

That's done now.

> do I have to create `python-docs-lt` repository at my GitHub account?

That will be usefull only when you'll decide you need a preview on docs.python.org/lt/, as long as you don't need a preview there, you don't really need a github repo.

Don't hesitate to ask questions (yes we're on #python-doc, I'm mdk, don't hesitate to highlight me).

Julien Palard

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