[Doc-SIG] Python Documentation Translation in italian language

Julien Palard julien at palard.fr
Sun Apr 21 11:38:45 EDT 2019

Hi Alessandro!

> I want to start a project for translating the Python Documentation in Italian.


> Is there anybody who can help me to start?

I'm the author of the PEP 545, so I should be able to help.

Looks like there's two main ways of translating the Python documentation: git-centric or external-tool centric.

Most countries are going "external tool centric", and most if not all are using transifex here: https://www.transifex.com/python-doc/public/

You're free to choose another tool, there's very few rules around this:
- From time to time (automatically the better) sync to github so we can pull from it to build the docs on docs.python.org, github is our "meet point".
- Put the contributions under CC0 (see https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0545/#setup-the-documentation-contribution-agreement)

France (my country) is doing "github centric", meaning we're only accepting pull requests on github, see our repo here: https://github.com/python/python-docs-fr/pulls

I like the github workflow for some reasons:
- We can give feedback on a contributor basis as pull request comments, and merge only when the quality is the one expected.
- Contributing to the docs means learning git, command line, cooperation in github, and so on. It's a door to do PR on other open source projects (like cpython upstream documentation), and sometimes translators in workshops are telling us "I did not translated much today, but I learnt a lot, thank you for this", and I like this.

If you choose the gitub workflow, there's a cookiecutter (https://github.com/JulienPalard/python-docs-cookiecutter) to bootstrap it, if you choose to sync from transifex or another tool don't hesistate to get inspiration from other countries (github.com/python/python-docs-* excepted fr and theme).

Next steps are: create the github repo (named python-docs-it), and gather people around the translation, if it works we'll migrate your repo to github.com/python/, and we'll have to nominate a coordinator for your language (typically you if you feel it).

After some translations done, don't hesistate to ask me to start building the doc on docs.python.org for preview purposes. And when you'll reach enough translations [1] we'll add your language to the menu.

Feel free to continue this thread if you have questions, and or come asking me on IRC, I'm mdk on freenode, there's the #python-doc channel dedicated to this.

[1]: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0545/#add-translation-to-the-language-switcher
Julien Palard

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