[Doc-SIG] Library: generic OS services chapter

A.M. Kuchling amk at amk.ca
Wed May 12 16:44:15 CEST 2010

Random thoughts on the Generic Operating System Services chapter of
the library guide: http://docs.python.org/dev/library/allos.html

* There are four sections that are very long and complex, nesting down
  to four levels: argparse, optparse, logging, and ctypes.  Should any
  of them become chapters of their own?

  logging and ctypes seem like the most plausible ones to move.  We
  could move argparse/optparse/getopt into a chapter by themselves,
  but that wouldn't reduce the nesting depth at all.

* The usual rationale for the ordering is from more widely used
  modules to more esoteric or little-used.  Should we therefore move
  optparse to follow getopt instead of preceding it?

* I thought we were going to add a warning to the optparse docs
  suggesting people use argparse instead.  Shall I go ahead and write
  that, or was it decided to not do that?


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