[Doc-SIG] field-list-table better idea than list-table

David Priest priest at sfu.ca
Sun Jun 6 13:20:45 EDT 2004

On Sun, 06 Jun 2004 13:06:44 -0400, David Goodger <goodger at python.org>  
> I just thought of an alternative: use enumerated lists instead of
> bulleted lists for the table cells::
>      .. list-table::
>          * 1. Treat
>            2. Quantity
>            3. Description
>          * 1. Albatross!
>            2. 299
>            3. On a stick!
>          * 1. Crunchy Frog!
>            2. 1499
>            3. If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be crunchy,
>               now would it?

IMO, too wordy.  The numbers don't add any structure to the endeavour.  At  
best, make them optional; I can see how they'd be handy in an immense  
table, if only for the (human) reader's convienence.

Mostly what I want to mention here, though, is that the above list could  
also be written as

	.. list-table::

		* Treat
		* Albatross!
		* Gannet!
		* Crunchy Frog!

		* Quantity
		* 299
		* 199
		* 1499

		* Description
		* On a stick!
		* On a stick!
		* If we took the bones out...

It depends on what we want to emphasize when we cluster the data.  In the  
former, we've packed the data for each treat into one set; in the latter,  
we've packed the data for each category into one set.

So we should be able to specify "column-wise" or "row-wise" ordering.

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