[Doc-SIG] PDF/PS problems with tableiii from python.sty

Robert Ternosky rternosk@appliedtheory.com
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 10:44:38 -0400

I'm converting some of LaTeX docs I've written to using the
python-docs texinputs. Things have been going great until
I started re-doing tables. I want to use the \tableiii and \lineiii
macros to replace this:

         Client   & Satisfy Precondition:  & From Postcondition: \\
                  & Call 'put' on a        & stack is updated: is not \\
                  & non-full stack only    & empty, x on top (item yields \\
                  &                        & x), count increased by 1 \\
         Supplier & Satisfy Postcondition: & From Precondition: \\
                  & Update stack to have x & Simpler processing thanks \\
                  & on top (item yields x) & to the assumption that \\
                  & count increased by 1,  & stack is not full \\
                  & not empty.             & \\
       \caption{Obligation and Benefits of put routine}

with this:

        {Satisfy Precondition: \\ Only call put on a non-full stack.}
        {From Postcondition: \\ stack is updated: it's not empty, \\
         x is on top (item yields x), \\ count increased by 1}
        {Satisfy Postcondition: \\ Update stack to have x on top \\
         (item yields x), count increased by 1, \\ stack not empty.}
        {From Precondition: \\ Simpler processing thanks to the \\
         assumption that stack is not full.}

I also tried removing the '\\' markers so that the 2nd and 3rd args to \lineiii
we're one long string. In both cases the table is unreadable in the
Postscript and PDF versions, but the HTML comes out perfect.

Am I mis-using this? The problem seems to arise due to the multi-line nature
of the 2nd and 3rd arguments to \lineiii. 

Can I not use the macros in this case? 
Any suggestions?
Bob Ternosky
AppliedTheory Corporation