From (Skip Montanaro) Tue Mar 2 14:19:04 1999 From: (Skip Montanaro) ( (Skip Montanaro)) Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:19:04 -0500 Subject: [Doc-SIG] Reference Counting "reference"? Message-ID: <> I don't write tons of extension modules, so Python's reference counting details aren't emblazoned on my frontal lobe or encoded in my DNA. Whenever I have trouble with refcounts I find I also have trouble figuring out what the behavior of various functions is by reading the documentation. While there are a couple treatises on reference counting in the docs, I generally still have trouble finding what I'm looking for and find I have to reread all the available materials pretty carefully to convince myself I understand things. (It would be nice if there was only a single treatise with pointers from other places...) I would find it helpful to have one table that identifies the exceptional cases. This table could have columns for "return borrowed" and "steal reference": Function returns steals or Macro borrowed reference ----------------------------------------------------- PyList_SetItem XXX PyTuple_SetItem XXX PyList_GetItem XXX PyTuple_GetItem XXX PyList_SET_ITEM XXX PyTuple_SET_ITEM XXX It may be that those functions and macros are the only special cases. A simple footnote that indicates that all other functions borrow input arguments and return owned references would suffice to sum up the entire state of affairs for someone needing to look up the behavior of a particular function they are unsure about. Skip Montanaro | Mojam: "Uniting the World of Music" | Musi-Cal: 518-372-5583 From Fred L. Drake, Jr." After much thought, I have decided to violently overthrow the current leadership of this SIG... what's that? I can have it for the asking? Well, anyway, I am now the SIG "champion"; Mike agreed that perhaps I could handle it, so we've turned over the mailing list. I hope to spend some time on the Web pages over the next couple of weeks. Any questions should be addressed to the SIG or to -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. Corporation for National Research Initiatives 1895 Preston White Dr. Reston, VA 20191 From Wed Mar 3 00:52:35 1999 From: (David Ascher) Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 16:52:35 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time) Subject: [Doc-SIG] \begin{interactive} Message-ID: This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --15889198-29424-920422355=:222 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Here's my hack for the day. I keep writing doc, and I'm always frustrated when there's a mismatch between the stuff that the user is supposed to have input and the output that is shown. Here's a solution for LaTeX documents: The comment below should explain it to the LaTeXgnescenti. Comments welcome. ######################################################################## # # Latex Python Preprocessor For Interactive Accuracy # (c) 1999 David Ascher # # Take a set of latex files and convert blocks that look like: # # \begin{interactive} # x = 3 # print x # here's a comment # x / 0 # \end{interactive} # # to: # # \begin{interactive} # x = 3 # print x # here's a comment # x / 0 # \end{interactive} # # \begin{interactiveoutput} # >>> \textbf{x = 3} # >>> \textbf{print x }\textit{\# here's a comment} # 3 # >>> \textbf{x / 0} # Traceback (innermost last): # File "", line 1, in ? # ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo # \end{interactiveoutput} # # # Assumes that the following are in the preamble: # # \usepackage{alltt} # \usepackage{verbatim} # \newenvironment{interactive}{\comment}{\endcomment} # \newenvironment{interactiveoutput}{\alltt}{\endalltt} # ######################################################################## --15889198-29424-920422355=:222 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1999 16:42:41 +0100 Subject: [Doc-SIG] \begin{interactive} References: Message-ID: <> David Ascher wrote: > > Here's my hack for the day. I keep writing doc, and I'm always frustrated > when there's a mismatch between the stuff that the user is supposed to > have input and the output that is shown. Here's a solution for LaTeX > documents: > > The comment below should explain it to the LaTeXgnescenti. > > Comments welcome. > Hello David, hello all, I took "" and developed "" on it's ideas and code. I also added "python.sty", which simply defines the preamble options. "" is not only ment to be used for python documentation, but also for documents where som calculation is neede. The new "Python" environment is used to execute some python code without leaving any trace in the generated LaTeX file, the command "\CallPython" is ment to insert python output into the LaTeX file. A function "PyLaTeX" can be called to escape special characters. As an Example, if you want to get a pair of curly braces in the LaTeX output take this LaTeX input: --- snip --- \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{python} \begin{document} \begin{Python} import LaTeXPy \end{Python} \CallPython{LaTeXPy.PyLaTeX('{}')} \end{document} --- snip --- creates as output: --- snip --- \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{python} \begin{document} \begin{Python} import LaTeXPy \end{Python} \CallPython[{\{\}}]{LaTeXPy.PyLaTeX('{}')} \end{document} --- snip --- The package PyLaTeX-1.0 on my starship.python home contains UnitPrint, which allowes nice formatting of Floats, Integers and PhysicalQuantities (from Konrad Hinsen's ScientificPyton modules). on my homepage is ment to generate LaTeX files from python. I'm not shure, which is the better srategy, to write a python file with strings containing the LaTeX commands, or to write a LaTeX file with embedded python code. Any comments are welcome Cheers Berthold -- It is unlawful to use this email address for unsolicited ads (USC Title 47 Sec.227). I will assess a US$500 charge for reviewing and deleting each unsolicited ad. From Fred L. Drake, Jr." A few people on the list owe me sections of documentation on various modules. How are those coming along? -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. Corporation for National Research Initiatives From (Skip Montanaro) Thu Mar 11 19:50:47 1999 From: (Skip Montanaro) ( (Skip Montanaro)) Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 14:50:47 -0500 Subject: [Doc-SIG] A couple documentation questions Message-ID: <> Fred's note motivated me to return to work on the two sections he assigned me. I have a couple questions... 1. Are there any standards or conventions for module documentation? I thought there used to be a template doc file named libxxmodule.tex file that you could use as a starting point, but I couldn't find anything that looked promising. For now I'm just poking around the other module doc files and sort of following my nose. 2. How do people test what they've written? It takes forever to format the entire manual. I quickly tried creating a libsmall.tex file that's lib.tex with just my modules, but "make" fails in both the paper-letter and lib directories. I guess that route will require some Makefile fiddling. It would be nice if there were already default targets for the common chain .tex -> .dvi -> .ps. Skip From Fred L. Drake, Jr." References: <> Message-ID: <> writes: > 1. Are there any standards or conventions for module documentation? > I thought there used to be a template doc file named libxxmodule.tex See the file Doc/templates/module.tex; there are extensive comments in the file. Where there are gaps, send a note to me or the SIG. Where the comments can be improved, I'll be glad to do so. > 2. How do people test what they've written? It takes forever to format > the entire manual. I quickly tried creating a libsmall.tex file > that's lib.tex with just my modules, but "make" fails in > both the paper-letter and lib directories. I guess that route will > require some Makefile fiddling. It would be nice if there were > already default targets for the common chain .tex -> .dvi -> .ps. Probably the easiest way, if the speed is a problem for you, is to create a short "howto" style document. Use Doc/mac/mac.tex as a template. The point Doc/tool/mkhowto (or Doc/tools/ if you're not using the CVS repo) at the top-level .tex file. Use the --help option for usage information. If even that proves too painful or if you encounter difficulties, do what you can by inspection and then send it to me; I'll be reviewing the markup anyway. It'll also help me develop better tools for dealing with all this stuff. (The mkhowto script should pretty well take care of everything, though.) -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. Corporation for National Research Initiatives