[Doc-SIG] docstrings for re.py?

Dinu C. Gherman gherman@darwin.in-berlin.de
Thu, 08 Jul 1999 23:37:53 +0200

Jeffrey Chang wrote:
> Has anyone added docstrings to re.py?  If not, then I will go ahead and do
> it.  I'm tired of having to consult the reference manual!  ;)

BTW, some time ago I converted regexdemo.py to redemo.py (sth.
like a Tk interface for "interactive re(gex)'ing"...). I haven't
made much noise about it, b/c I thought dozens of others have 
done the same. If not and somebody wants to replace the "old 
thing" in the std. distribution, let me know... 


Dinu C. Gherman       :  Women inspire us to great things and
                      :  prevent us from achieving them. (Dumas)
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