[Doc-SIG] Docstring syntax discussion

Berthold Höllmann bhoel@server.python.net
01 Dec 1999 10:58:16 +0100

Hello all,

I think the current docstring syntax discussion fails to address a
very important issue. Not all users of Python are native english
speakers and writers (I'm of course one of these). I think localizing
python modules and programs is an important issue. Localizing does not
only include the programs messages, but also the functions help
messages. This is a problem, that can't be addressed using the current
docstring syntax. 

An idea how to address this problem is shown in the foollowing script:

===File ~/miscpy/doctest.py=================================
class __docc__:
    def __init__(self):
        import locale
        loc = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_MESSAGES,'')
        if loc == "de_DE":
            self.text = """Dies ist ein TEST.

Benutzt globale Variablen.

""" % globals()
        elif loc == "fr_FR":
            self.text = """(I don't know any french.)

Uses global variables.


""" % globals()
            self.text = """This is a TEST.
Uses global variables.
Version: %(__version__)s
Name: %(__name__)s
""" % globals()
    def __str__(self):
        return self.text

__version__ = "0.0"
__name__ = "Berthold Höllmann"
__doc__ = __docc__()

This could be used as following:

>>> import doctest
>>> print doctest.__doc__
Dies ist ein TEST.
Benutzt globale Variablen.
Berthold Höllmann

(I'm using german locale). This could allow to keep the documentation
in one's favourite markup language and just provide the appropriate
method for different output styles as '__str__' for text output,
'xml', 'sgml', 'TeX' or others.

Just my 2c.


bhoel@starship.python.net / http://starship.python.net/crew/bhoel/
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