[DOC-SIG] Re: printed documentation

Fred L. Drake Fred L. Drake, Jr." <fdrake@acm.org
Tue, 6 Jan 1998 22:38:01 -0500

Andrew Kuchling writes:
 > 	[Doc-SIG note: I suppose there's no work being done on
 > changing the format of the docs?  Weren't we going to move toward a
 > DocBook-like SGML markup? See

  Aside from being distracted by Python 1.5 documentation issues
(there's a lot of nits that got handled, mostly, plus info support in
1.5), I've been working on getting a reasonable libref->sgml
conversion script running.  I've gotten a lot done on it, but there
are still a few issues with the basic conversion and then I need to
finish the output DTD and make sure the output of the script validates 
against that.  Once that's done, Paul Prescod will work on
transforming that intermediate form into DocBook.  We don't have a
fixed schedule.  At least for me, it's all personal time, with
scheduling issues calling for me to play with them on evenings and
  Acceptance of the SGML conversion is determined by Guido *after* the 
work is done.  I really think he wants to know that it'll work and not 
create a lot of maintainance problems or introduce more problematic
tool issues (esp. availability).  Of course, that's at least partially 
controlled by my willingness to dive into Perl for the latex2html
support in the current HTML generation process.  ;-)
  Perhaps I should post an update to the doc-sig, but the time to do
that comes out of the time to get the job done.  So I'll cc: this
message to the doc-sig.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.
Corporation for National Research Initiatives
1895 Preston White Drive
Reston, VA    20191-5434

DOC-SIG  - SIG for the Python Documentation Project

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