[DOC-SIG] SGML for Python Documentation

Paul Prescod papresco@technologist.com
Fri, 14 Nov 1997 09:27:42 -0500

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> PS. To please users without access to either Word or Frame, is there
> some way to go from RTF -> PostScript out there?  Perhaps via groff?

RTF->Postscript is easy on Windows, with or without Word. I don't know
of a way to do it on other platforms.

I do know you can use the same DocBook stylesheet to go
SGML--[Jade]-->TeX--[TeX]-->dvi--[dvips]-->postscript, but you have to
install some TeX macro packages.

Oh yeah, and you can also go SGML--[Jade]-->TeX--[Texpdf]-->PDF

 Paul Prescod

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