No subject

Paul Prescod
Wed, 12 Nov 1997 00:55:22 -0500

> Hmm. DocBook looks interesting 
> (, but it is, as you say, pretty 
> darned big, and one would like to simplify things by switching from 
> LaTeX. I'm also not sure if the tools to manipulate DocBook are 
> freeware, or if you're expected to use the DocBook DTD in commercial 
> SGML editing tools.
No, the three most used SGML DTDs are TEI, DocBook and HTML and all
three have free processing tools -- mostly Jade stylesheets.
> In general I think docstrings and a reference manual are two different things. 

I agree. Let's not worry about docstrings right now. Reforming the
tutorial will be a big enough job.

 Paul Prescod

DOC-SIG  - SIG for the Python Documentation Project

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