[PYTHON DOC-SIG] Re: Inclusion of contributed modules

Andrew Kuchling amk@magnet.com
Thu, 7 Nov 1996 12:48:53 -0500 (EST)

Guido van Rossum wrote (in comp.lang.python):
> A good start would probably to have a standard infrastructure to build
> third-party extensions.  How about having them inside a subdirectory
> Extensions in the Python toplevel directory, if they are relatively

	IMHO, all non-standard modules should live in such an
Extensions/ subdirectory; I've tried to do this with the sizable
extensions that I write.  ILU's really a rare special case, since it's
much more than simply a Python module.

	Another important point to consider is documentation for
extension modules; if possible, lib*.tex files should be automatically
included in the library reference.  I hate the fact that many modules
come with READMEs

	The following script looks through the directories in sys.path
for anything that can be imported, cross-references them with the
files in Doc/, and produces TeX code for a customized library
reference.  The only thing needed is to have it walk through
subdirectories of Extensions/, find any lib*.tex files, and generate
appropriate TeX code.  (Perhaps it shouldn't list the standard modules
at all; then adding a new module won't require reprinting the entire
Library Reference, but only a much smaller custom modules document.)

	Andrew Kuchling

# Generate custlib.tex, which is a site-specific library document.

# Phase I: list all the things that can be imported

import glob, os, sys, string

for modname in sys.builtin_module_names:
for dir in sys.path:
    # Look for *.py files
    filelist=glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, '*.py'))
    for file in filelist: 
	path, file = os.path.split(file)
	base, ext=os.path.splitext(file)

    # Look for shared library files
    filelist=(glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, '*.so')) + 
	      glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, '*.sl')) +
	      glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, '*.o')) )
    for file in filelist: 
	path, file = os.path.split(file)
	base, ext=os.path.splitext(file)
	if base[-6:]=='module': base=base[:-6]

# Minor oddity: the types module is documented in libtypes2.tex
if modules.has_key('types'):
    del modules['types'] ; modules['types2']=None

# Phase II: find all documentation files (lib*.tex)
#           and eliminate modules that don't have one.

for file in filelist:

mlist=filter(lambda x, docs=docs: docs.has_key(x), mlist)
mlist=map(lambda x, docs=docs: docs[x], mlist)


# Phase III: write custlib.tex

# Write the boilerplate
# XXX should be fancied up.  
print """\documentstyle[twoside,11pt,myformat]{report}
\\title{Python Library Reference}
\\makeindex			% tell \\index to actually write the .idx file
\\noindent This is a customized version of the Python Library Reference.
{\\parskip = 0mm \\tableofcontents}
for modname in mlist: 
    print "\\input{lib%s}" % (modname,)
# Write the end
print """\\input{custlib.ind}			% Index

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