[Distutils] Current status of ``setup.py register --list-classifiers``

Takayuki Shimizukawa shimizukawa at gmail.com
Mon Jan 29 17:14:22 EST 2018


I tried getting a list of Trove Classifiers by running ``setup.py register
--list-classifiers`` command, the HTML of https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/
was displayed on the console.
Does this mean that the ``--list-classifiers`` option was broken when the
PyPI endpoint changed? Or was it made intentional change?
Either way, I could not find such a report or announcement.

I confirmed the execution of ``setup.py register --list-classifiers`` with
the following combinations.

Python-3.5 + distutils setup: OK
Python-3.5 + setuptools-26 setup: OK
Python-3.5 + setuptools-27 setup: NG
Python-3.5 + setuptools-38 setup: NG

Python-3.6 + distutils setup: NG
Python-3.6 + setuptools-26 setup: NG
Python-3.6 + setuptools-27 setup: NG
Python-3.6 + setuptools-38 setup: NG

Also, in any of the above combinations, it was OK if I specified
https://pypi.python.org/pypi as the repository.

(BTW, although document says "The --repository or -r option lets you
specify a PyPI server different from the default", if there is no URL
specified in ``.pypirc`` it will display "ValueError: <URL> not found in

So, in my understanding, ``register --list-classifiers`` does not work as

Takayuki Shimizukawa
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