[Distutils] Improving Communication

Steve Piercy - Website Builder web at stevepiercy.com
Sun Apr 22 16:19:59 EDT 2018

I am an email and IRC recidivist.  I have to admit that ever 
since I joined the Plone community forum which uses Discourse, I 
have been more engaged with that community than I would have 
otherwise.  I can choose which topics interest me, forget the 
rest, and explore things that might interest me at some point in 
the future.  It also has a wealth of information easily 
searchable and accessible.

I noticed that my wireless carrier uses Discourse as well, and 
I've found it exceptionally helpful to solve my phone problems 
quickly, compared to the phone manufacturer's craptastic help experience.

I haven't tried Zulip yet, but I just signed up to compare it to Discourse.

I don't know what challenges might be for self-hosting.  Perhaps 
those who have experience with self-hosting either Discourse or 
Zulip could share?


On 4/21/18 at 11:51 PM, brett at python.org (Brett Cannon) pronounced:

>I know this is no shock to Donald, but I agree with what he brings up
>below. One of motivators for trying out python.zulipchat.com is to see if
>it's real-time nature on top of topic-based discussion could act as a
>cross-section for email and IRC.
>For me, either something like Zulip or Discourse takes care of a lot of the
>issues raised. They provide modern tooling, allow for a central place to
>communicate, and allow for sectioning things into streams/sections to
>prevent overwhelming e.g. a single mailing list.

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Steve Piercy              Website Builder              Eugene, OR
<web at stevepiercy.com>               <http://www.stevepiercy.com/>

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