[Distutils] Extracting distutils into setuptools

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Wed Sep 27 04:42:46 EDT 2017

On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 3:30 PM, xoviat <xoviat at gmail.com> wrote:

> This was a comment by @zooba (Steve Dower):
> > (FWIW, I think it makes *much* more sense for setuptools to fix this by
> simply forking all of distutils and never looking back. But since we don't
> live in that world yet, it went into distutils.)
> And here is my response:
> > Since you mention it, I agree with that proposal. But currently we have
> core developers contributing to distutils and @jaraco contributing to
> setuptools. @jaraco is quite competent, but I doubt that he would be able
> to maintain an independent fork of distutils by himself.
> > In short, I think your proposal is a good one, but how can we allocate
> manpower?
> (issue31595 on bugs.python.org)
> So what do others think of this? My sense of things is that people are
> open to the idea, but there isn't a plan to make it happen.

My $2c: I'd only be a very occasional contributor, but it makes a lot of
sense from the point of view of packaging/distributing changes to
distutils. Also setuptools is a lot better maintained than distutils, and
using the bug tracker is a much better experience. So many reasons to do
it, and I'd certainly be more likely to report bugs and/or fix them.

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