[Distutils] Wheel 1.0 roadmap

Alex Grönholm alex.gronholm at nextday.fi
Sun Oct 29 15:06:36 EDT 2017

I am planning for a 1.0.0 release of the "wheel" library. I would like 
to start using semver from this point onwards, which in the case of 
wheel means that its command line interface should be well defined and 
remain backwards compatible. As part of this effort, I've rewritten the 
documentation (currently in the "docs-update" branch on Github) to 
conform to the PyPA guidelines. Wheel also had some generated API 
documentation on ReadTheDocs, but as discussed privately with Daniel 
Holth and Nick Coghlan, wheel should not have a public API going forward 
so I've deleted that documentation.

I've also taken a hard look at wheel's features and would like to remove 
those which I consider to be either useless or harmful. I've added these 
tasks as issues on Github.

All the issues that I'd like to get resolved by 1.0.0 have been tagged 
with the proper milestone marker here: 

Feedback is very welcome!

ps. Daniel, if you're reading this, would you mind giving the new docs a 
once-over? Also, if you can suggest where to put the "story" page, I'll 
link it back to the main index file.

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