[Distutils] Provisionally accepting PEP 517's declarative build system interface

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Mon May 29 15:56:57 EDT 2017

On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 12:50 PM, Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:
> To be honest, I’m not hardly going to feel particularly bad if one of the
> most compilation heavy packages that exist takes a whole 10 seconds to
> install from a VCS checkout.

Rebuild latency is *really* important. People get really cranky at me
when I argue that we should get rid of "editable installs", which
create much greater problems for . I think I'm entitled to be cranky

> Particularly when I assume that the build tool
> can be even smarter here than ccache is able to be to reduce the setup.py
> build step back down to the no-op incremental build case.
> I mean, unless numpy is doing something different, the default distutils
> incremental build stuff is incredibly dumb, it just stores the build output
> in a directory (by default it’s located in ./build/) and compares the mtime
> of a list of source files with the mtime of the target file, and if the
> sources files are newer, it recompiles it. If you replace mtime with blake2
> (or similar) then you can trivially support the exact same thing just
> storing the built target files in some user directory cache instead.

> Hell,
> we *might* even be able to preserve mtime (if we’re not already… we might
> be! But I’d need to dig into it) so literally the only thing that would need
> to change is instead of storing the built artifacts in ./build/ you store
> them in ~/.cache/my-cool-build-tool/{project-name}. Bonus points: this means
> you get incremental speeds even when building from a sdist from PyPI that
> doesn’t have wheels and hasn’t changed those files either.
> I’m of the opinion that first you need to make it *correct*, then you can
> try to make it *fast*. It is my opinion that a installer that shits random
> debris into your current directory is not correct. It’s kind of silly that
> we have to have a “random pip/distutils/setuptools” crap chunk of stuff to
> add to .gitignore to basically every Python package in existence. Nevermind
> the random stuff that doesn’t currently get written there, but will if we
> stop copying files out of the path and into a temporary location (I’m sure
> everyone wants a pip-egg-info directory in their current directory).
> I’m also of the opinion that avoiding foot guns is more important than
> shooting for the fastest operation possible. I regularly (sometimes multiple
> times a week!, but often every week or two) see people tripping up on the
> fact that ``git clone … && pip install .`` does something different than
> ``git clone … && python setup.py sdist && pip install dist/*``. Files
> suddenly go missing and they have no idea why. If they’re lucky, they’ll
> figure out they need to modify some combination of package_data, data_files,
> and MANIFEST.in to make it work, if they’re not lucky they just sit there
> dumbfounded at it.
> Also also, notice elsewhere in the thread where Thomas notes that flit
> can't build an sdist from an unpacked sdist. It seems like 'pip
> install unpacked-sdist/' is an important use case to support…
> If the build tool gives us a mechanism to determine if something is an
> unpacked sdist or not so we can fallback to just copying in that case, that
> is fine with me. The bad case is generally only going to be hit on VCS
> checkouts or other not sdist kinds of source trees.
>> Donald Stufft

Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org

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