[Distutils] win amd_x64 Python 2.7.8 --> 2.7.13 woes

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Wed Mar 1 09:17:28 EST 2017

I find my extensions compiled for windows amd_x64 with python 2.7.8 no longer 
work after I updated python to 2.7.13.

Is that expected? I had assumed that the cpy27 wheels  that I make would work 
with any python 2.7, but this makes me doubt that.

To get the reportlab tests to complete I rebuilt all my extensions and installed 
a newer version of pillow.

In addition to that the uninstallation of the amd64 python 2.7.8 has also 
uninstalled the x86 version of python 2.7.8 :(
Robin Becker

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