[Distutils] ANNOUNCE: Sunsetting of uploading to the legacy PyPI/TestPyPI

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Sat Jun 24 20:42:09 EDT 2017

Randy Syring <randy at thesyrings.us> writes:

> […] would it hurt to have an "provisional" area to the key projects
> list that makes people aware of the projects without "blessing" them
> as Key Projects.

It might hurt, yes. I am already quite confused by what is meant to be
done in the Brave New World described in this thread.

Pointing to a document that gives a set of tools is helpful – now I have
only the confusion of figuring out whether all my development and
deployment environments can use those – but that document becomes *less*
useful as you add more decisions I need to make.

> The whole point of that section of the guide is to raise awareness,
> yes?

That describes the purpose of an announcement like this. I'm now aware
of the change that's looming.

On the conitrary, the point of the section of the guide, for a user like
me, is to *simplify* the actions I need to take to survive the

Adding more options to decide between, however well-intentioned, will
work against that purpose.

 \       “You could augment an earwig to the point where it understood |
  `\     nuclear physics, but it would still be a very stupid thing to |
_o__)                              do!” —The Doctor, _The Two Doctors_ |
Ben Finney

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