[Distutils] A possible refactor/streamlining of PEP 517

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sat Jul 15 23:50:50 EDT 2017

On 16 July 2017 at 04:33, Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:
> All of that is a long winded way of saying I don’t particularly care if the
> VCS -> wheel -> install path is spelled out *always* doing in-place builds
> or if we add a build directory to specify between out of place or in place.
> Having a robust mechanism in place for doing that means we can adjust how
> things *typically* work without going back to the PEP process and throwing
> everything away.


The thing I like about the latest draft of the API is that it lets
frontends choose freely between three build strategies:

1. build_sdist failing is a fatal error for the overall build
2. ask build_wheel to do its best to emulate a "via sdist" build with
what's available
3. ask build_wheel for a wheel without worrying too much about
matching the sdist

The former is the approach that best encourages keeping sdist and
wheel file lists in sync, but may fail in cases where one of the other
strategies would have worked. Having this option available allows a
frontend to prioritise archive consistency at the expense of a
reduction in comprehensiveness (i.e. anything it can build will have
consistent sdists and wheel archives, but there will be some cases
where it will fail to build a wheel where a more permissive frontend
would have succeeded).

The second pushes the problem onto backends to figure out, and they're
frankly in the best position to do so, since they have the most
information about what their requirements are, and the greatest
ability to *change* their requirements based on the circumstances of
use (e.g. by switching from VCS command line tools to Python APIs, and
then dynamically requesting the appropriate library based on the
available VCS metadata). Some backends won't want to do that, and
we're OK with that - it's a "do your best with the information and
tools you have available" API, not a "you must get it exactly right
every time" API.

The final case is then mainly useful in situations where the frontend
*knows* it is already working with an unpacked sdist, either because
it downloaded it from PyPI, or because it just created it with
build_sdist. In those cases, the priority for the backend is to
produce a working wheel - whether or not that wheel matches building
via the sdist is a lesser concern, since the frontend has indicated
that it has either already handled it or else genuinely doesn't care.

The exact norms around what's acceptable behaviour for out-of-tree
wheel builds (and just how hard backends should try to match the
build_sdist -> in-place build_wheel path in that case) is then
something that will evolve over time, and I'm OK with that.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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