[Distutils] The Python Packaging Ecosystem (of Nick) Support for other programming languages

Thomas Güttler guettliml at thomas-guettler.de
Fri Apr 7 01:26:28 EDT 2017

Am 06.04.2017 um 17:22 schrieb Nathaniel Smith:
> On Apr 6, 2017 7:32 AM, "Thomas Güttler" <guettliml at thomas-guettler.de <mailto:guettliml at thomas-guettler.de>> wrote:
>     Dear Nick and other distutils listeners,
>     Nick wrote this about seven months ago:
>     http://www.curiousefficiency.org/posts/2016/09/python-packaging-ecosystem.html <http://www.curiousefficiency.org/posts/2016/09/python-packaging-ecosystem.html>
>     I love Python and I use it daily.
>     On the other hand there are other interesting programming languages out there.
>     Why not do "thinking in sets" here and see python just as one item in the list of a languages?
>     Let's dream: All languages should be supported in the ever best packaging solution of the future.
>     What do you think?
> This is basically what conda attempts to do. It's nice in some ways, but does also have limitations.
> In any case this isn't​ a very useful thing to post here? 

For me it was very useful. I was not aware of the paypal post about python packaging. Yes, it was useful.

> Distutils and pip and pypi aren't going anywhere,

That's new to me. I guess I misunderstood what you said (I am not a native speaker). I understood "There is no progress, and won't be in the future". That's new to me.
I saw several new pip versions in the past. I thought there was progress.

>.. and the folks here are all at their limit trying to keep them from falling over, so taking up time with these super vague blue sky ideas is a bit rude.

What is the problem if "falling over" happens?

Is there no easier solution then going at its limit?

Why is having blue sky ideas rude? AFAIK the word "rude" means "offensively impolite or bad-mannered."

I personally like the tongue spoken at the linux-kernel mailing list (or systemd). Yes, the people there are impolite and bad-mannered.
People speak you what they think and feel. Why not? I think being polite in tech related discussions slows down progress.

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  Thomas Güttler

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