[Distutils] comparison of configuration languages

David Cournapeau cournape at gmail.com
Sat May 7 07:20:58 EDT 2016

A missing dimension for comparison: round tripping support. It is quite
useful for formats when used as a configuration. The best I know in that
dimension is yaml (if using ruamel.yaml), which round trip comments.

OTOH, adding round tripping to something like toml should not be too hard
if the need arises.


On Sat, May 7, 2016 at 3:59 AM, Nathaniel Smith <njs at pobox.com> wrote:

> Here's that one-stop writeup/comparison of all the major configuration
> languages that I mentioned:
> https://gist.github.com/njsmith/78f68204c5d969f8c8bc645ef77d4a8f
> -n
> --
> Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org
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