[Distutils] Processing dependencies on Gihtub

Demian Brecht demianbrecht at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 19:17:16 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I'm investigating the ability to replace PyPI with Github-based mirrors. The use case is that there is no outgoing internet access from a set of hosts responsible for building Python packages. However, there /is/ access to a Github enterprise instance. Installing top level packages through git+https works great, but (unless I'm wrong) falls down when handling dependencies. I've looked at --find-links, which doesn't seem to do the trick (I'm assuming it's expecting a PyPI-compatible index). I've also read the --process-dependency-links is deprecated and will eventually be removed. Is that correct?

If that's all accurate, are there any suggested paths to install top level packages and their respective dependencies solely using Github? Are there any API or HTML pages that I'm unaware of that would conform to pip requirements? The only avenue that I can think of is to write a small proxy service that simply presents a format understood by pip.

One of the things that I'm trying to avoid is touching mirrored projects. Not all projects use requirements files and obviously none of them will be using the internal GHE instance that I'm looking to use as a home for mirrored projects.


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