[Distutils] What's up with PyPi maintenance?

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Fri Mar 18 16:29:36 EDT 2016

> On Mar 17, 2016, at 8:51 PM, Chris Barker - NOAA Federal <chris.barker at noaa.gov> wrote:
> When do we expect that? A lot of people rely on the current system, we really need to find a way to maintain it 'till it's replaced.

Practically speaking I’m the only person maintaining the actual code behind legacy PyPI right now. Due to some personal stuff I haven’t had the mental bandwidth to dig through debugging the ball of twine that is legacy PyPI. It’s been sort of falling apart a bit and fixing some of these issues require a substantial amount of effort. I don’t know what’s wrong with search, it’s probably not one of those kinds of issues, but the hope is that we can just squash a bunch of these at once with the new code base.

As far as “When do we expect that”, the answer is basically “when it’s ready”. You can see what’s done so far at warehouse.python.org <http://warehouse.python.org/> (backed by the same live database) and the current work is being done at github.com/pypa/warehouse <http://github.com/pypa/warehouse>.

Donald Stufft
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