[Distutils] Deprecating PyPI as an OpenID Provider

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Tue Jun 7 15:59:01 EDT 2016

Just a heads up,

I do not intend to implement the “Use PyPI as an OpenID Provider” functionality in Warehouse. Looking at the actual usage of this, it appears that very few people have ever taken advantage of it (a total of 201 (user, site) combinations in the database of what people have set to “Allow Always”) and I don’t believe it’s worth continuing. Longer term, Python should get a centralized Sign on across all it’s web properties, which could re-implement this feature for folks who want it.

If you’re using this for anything, I recommend migrating off of it onto something else.

Warehouse Issue: https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/60

Donald Stufft

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