[Distutils] can someone explain why I have started to get these pip failures

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Thu Jul 14 11:01:23 EDT 2016

On 14/07/2016 15:41, Ian Cordasco wrote:
> Try:
> pip install --force-reinstall setuptools -U

I didn't do the force-reinstall and for some reason when I cleaned both 
~/.cache/pip and ~/.pip the pip install -r requirements.txt did work.

I have tried various solutions proposed in the past eg

sudo apt-get install --reinstall python-pkg-resources

but nothing seems to work.

I did the cache cleanups in desperation mode.

I did try pip install -U setuptools, but it says it is up to date.

If this might be a case of the underlying python changing on the server I have 
turned off automatic security updates.

I would like to try and understand this happens as then I might have some wya of 
fixing it.

> On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 8:37 AM, Robin Becker <robin at reportlab.com> wrote:
>>> (myenv) rptlab at app0:~/myenv
>> Robin Becker
Robin Becker

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