[Distutils] What role to eggs still play?

Alex Grönholm alex.gronholm at nextday.fi
Wed Aug 24 10:40:40 EDT 2016

19.08.2016, 20:25, Daniel Holth kirjoitti:
> Eggs are the only way to add a zipped distribution to PYTHONPATH and 
> have setuptools find the metadata (the Python code can be found with 
> or without the metadata; setuptools does not discover *.dist-info 
> inside zip). Eggs are used by buildout, especially in the unzipped 
> into a directory form. And they could still be used for their 
> originally designed use as a plugin format.
What is not clear to me is who needs this. Is this not what virtualenvs 
are for? Or could wheels not be used for the same purpose? What am I 
> One of the smaller problems with eggs is that everything had the same 
> name. *.egg-info or EGG-INFO is the predecessor of the *.dist-info 
> format designed in PEP-376. You get *.egg-info whenever you install 
> something with setuptools without going through bdist_wheel.
> On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 12:54 PM Chris Barker <chris.barker at noaa.gov 
> <mailto:chris.barker at noaa.gov>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     starting a new thread, but this is related to the setuptols-_lite
>     discussion, and the legacy formats discussion. In another thread
>     Donald had a footnote:
>         [1] We can tackle egg at a later point, when setuptools either
>         has support for Wheels
>             or is less needed.
>     So I'm wondering -- does anything else (other than setuptools)
>     depend on eggs in any way? I know why I pip install stuff, I
>     (always?) get egg-ish things installed:
>     .egg-info
>     directories and all that. Honestly, I'm confused -- is that making
>     an actual egg? or is that name simply a legacy name for package
>     meta data?
>     In any case, does pip, or anything else, require it?
>     For my part, I find it annoying, name aside -- it seems that all
>     the package meta-data should be there in the package source
>     already (pypacakge.toml?)
>     -Chris
>     -- 
>     Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
>     Oceanographer
>     Emergency Response Division
>     NOAA/NOS/OR&R            (206) 526-6959   voice
>     7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
>     Seattle, WA  98115       (206) 526-6317   main reception
>     Chris.Barker at noaa.gov <mailto:Chris.Barker at noaa.gov>
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