[Distutils] msvc9compiler.py - vcvarsall.bat is living onefolder higher - VS90COMNTOOLS

Steve Dower steve.dower at python.org
Wed Aug 10 11:53:17 EDT 2016

There may be a bug in setuptools. We've already seen one reported and fixed in the last week, so possibly this is related.

Issues in setuptools go to their github page (don't have the link handy on my phone). Nothing has changed in distutils in over a year here and it's been working just fine, so I'd look at what they're doing in setuptools.


Top-posted from my Windows Phone

-----Original Message-----
From: "postings at andreaskrueger.de" <postings at andreaskrueger.de>
Sent: ‎8/‎10/‎2016 6:34
To: "distutils-sig at python.org" <distutils-sig at python.org>
Subject: Re: [Distutils] msvc9compiler.py - vcvarsall.bat is living onefolder higher - VS90COMNTOOLS

Hi Steve,
Thanks for your superfast answer.

> There's actually also a requirement for a relatively recent version (>=6.0) of setuptools
>  in order to build correctly using the Visual C++ Compiler for Python. 
This is the installed version

 setuptools:     25.1.6-py27_0
and 25>6 ?

This will allow the compiler to be found without using the environment variable. 

Then perhaps consider to completely remove/deprecate the route via environment variable? 
Because there are tons of workarounds & manuals out there which actually point towards using the environment variable.

Or fix it.

I suggest ensuring that setuptools is up to date

So the setuptools included in the newest anaconda is not new enough?

, and either import it in the setup.py (you don't have to do anything except import it) or use pip to install your packages. 

Not sure I understand. 
I have been installing mc-stan.org - via 'conda install -c patricksnape pystan'. It worked only after (solving other problems, and) patching your distutils. 
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