[Distutils] A smaller step towards de-specializing setuptools/distutils

Daniel Holth dholth at gmail.com
Thu Oct 29 15:39:52 EDT 2015

I find CLIs to be very difficult to implement, should I bootstrap require
click? How does my bundled-in-sdist build system code generate executable
wrappers for Windows? Plus on the command line all method signatures suck:

metadata(arguments: list of strings in any order)
wheel(arguments: list of strings in any order)

It could be a module instead of a class but a method/function interface
would have nice documented method signatures:

def wheel(target: string): ...

you'd copy the example into your new build system adapter, implement, and
be done. Perhaps pip could also call more than one command per subprocess
more easily if the need arose. If you want your def wheel() to shell out go

I could live without the entry points, it adds one line to setup.cfg in my
strawman. But we are doomed to standardize setuptools-compatible entry
points eventually.

On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 3:02 PM Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:

> On October 29, 2015 at 2:54:19 PM, Daniel Holth (dholth at gmail.com) wrote:
> > I think that would be very handy, especially making setuptools not a
> > special case. You could get it down to 3 lines in setup.cfg, a file that
> > already exists and already gathers random settings.
> >
> > <snip>
> I don’t think we should try to use an entry point (at least not yet). One
> of the key points is to minimize the conceptual churn and to move forward
> slowly while still progressing. I don’t think that using a class really
> buys us much because anyone who is capable of writing that class is also
> capable of writing a small CLI interface to be used within a setup.py. It
> feels more like churn for churn’s sake than anything else and some sort of
> idealogical purity over pragmatism.
> I also don’t want to base any standard on setuptools entry points because
> they are not a standard (and if we did, the key should not mention pip at
> all, pip shouldn’t be special cased any more than setuptools should).
> -----------------
> Donald Stufft
> PGP: 0x6E3CBCE93372DCFA // 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372
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